Truth, Memento Mori, and Striking Self-Balance

On knowing

“But what is ‘truth’?” asked bird.

“You tell me,” replied fox. “You tell me.”

Mobile: Hope (45” x 30”)

Thoughts while thinking
If you could leave one last message for those you love *and* it could only be two words, what would you say?

Jo Confino shares a story of his dad…

In his last moments before becoming cloud, his dad - suddenly lucid – speaks two words clearly:

“Strike true.”

A request.
A measure and gauge.
Anvil and hammer.

“Strike true.”

An action, an aspiration.
An imperative.
Hand on heart.

“Strike true.”

Over these past couple of weeks, these two words have become mantra and manna for me; for which I am inexpressibly grateful to Jo Confino.

For those who are familiar with my posts, you’ll know that I always start each with a little conversation between two of my imaginary animal friends; like I did in this post.

Often, the first animal asks a reactionary question. It’s in the form of “but, what if…” “but, how can…” “but why does…”

Usually, the second animal offers reframe as answer, with less duality, more communality.

Jo Confino’s dad words answer every question more directly, a meditation bell reverberating:

But, I can’t…
“Strike true.”

But I don’t know how…
“Strike true.”

But, how am I supposed to…
“Strike true.”

But, I’m scared…
“Strike true.”

But, I miss her…
“Strike true.”

But, it hurts…
“Strike true.”

Unsure what is true for you?

Perhaps strike, then listen.

Strike, then listen.

Returning again and again:

To your heart
To your values
To your actions

Will it make your now easier?

Maybe. For me, if I’m being honest: not right now.

But, I *do* know that I’m laying the foundation with every strike to better understand who I am and who I want to be.

And this is the stuff for which we are made.

So, if you could leave one last message for those you love *and* it could only be two words, what would you share?


Locks, Keys, and Finding the Right Fit


Magic, Jellies, and Swimming with the Mystery