Locks, Keys, and Finding the Right Fit

On keys

“But how I will ever be able to unlock it?” asked mouse.

“Just ask me,” replied bear, “for the key.”

Mobile: Passages in custom colors (24” x 45”)

Thoughts while thinking
If you had a key that could unlock anything, what would you choose?

Over the past few nights, I’ve been dreaming about keys.

Well, not keys exactly; but situations where keys would’ve been needed to gain access.

- Finding a life-changing note on my table when my house was all closed up…

- Stevie in my locked car, wagging her tail, waiting for me...

- A person seated on my couch that didn’t have a key to get in...

Evidence of keys date back to ancient Assyria, some 6,000 years ago.

From Janus to Anubis, Ganesha to Hestia, Peter to Papa Legba, mythic gatekeepers have jingled their keys throughout history, standing guard at the crossroads between life and death, love and loss, insight and ignorance.

Keys are functional. They allow you to keep out, keep in. Lock and unlock. Protect and secure.

They’re also symbolic. They allow you to open and close, literally and figuratively; offering access and avenue, passage and portal.

We can keep them close. “We aren’t sure we’re ready to share what’s inside with you.”

We can give them away. “We want you to come and come again.”

And we can have them taken back. “We don’t ever want to see you again.”

The question with keys is what is worth opening, what is worth securing?

Can you do both at once?

For some things, I think yes.

Your heart.
Your hopes.
Your mind.

For other things, the way isn’t so clear.

And that’s the thing about keys.

A key only works on the lock for which it is intended. Knowing what key goes to which lock is our life’s work - as finding a match takes alignment between both lock and key.

So again, if you had a key that could unlock anything – anything – what would you choose?

Today, I would unlock bravery.


Breathing, Nexting, and Embracing the Moment


Truth, Memento Mori, and Striking Self-Balance