Magic, Jellies, and Swimming with the Mystery

On magic

“I wish I was a jelly.”

“It would be magical, wouldn’t it?”

“More than that.”

“What’s more than magic, honey?”

“Love, I think. It’d be love to be a jelly.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“It is, isn’t it?”

Overheard between a mom and her young one in front of the jelly fish tank at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

Photo: Mobile parts and pieces from this past month

I went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium this morning.

I’ve wanted to see the “Passages of the Deep” exhibit ever since snorkeling in #Maui.

Its winding glass tunnels are surrounded by 1.32 million gallons of water.

And lots of fish.

As you walk along, you have the feeling that you’re part of the ocean.

Its rhythms. Its flows.

It’s above you. Below you. Around you.

There’s something ancient + knowing + magical there.

Down the center of the tunnels, there are these see-through acrylic floors.

As I stood watching, kid after kid marched right down the middle these floors.

They seemed at home suspended over empty space, skipping + pointing + marveling at the fish swimming just feet below.

I couldn’t help but smile.

So free. So in it. So alive to the magic.

Interestingly, *every* adult I saw moved to the carpeted edges, carefully stepping around these see-through sections, even as their kids walked on water.

As I moved, I made a point of walking down the center, just as a giant sturgeon passed underneath.

It was awesome.

Then, a baby ray swam right up to me and kissed the glass.

And it made me laugh.

A leopard shark, a school of a thousand northern anchovy, a long-nosed skate.

I lost track after that. I was all in.

As I reoriented myself, I saw an elderly woman with a gnarled wooden cane at the other end of the tunnel.

She was looking directly at me and smiling with bright eyes.

And I loved that she could see what I saw.

Where can you invite in a magical moment today?


Truth, Memento Mori, and Striking Self-Balance


Thanksgiving, Breathing, and Lessons from Roadside Signs