Safety, Cat Love, and Finding Home

On finding home

“If home is a choice,” explained bear, “I choose you.”

And fox smiled, knowing she’d found her forever.

Mobile: Three Three-by-3s

How would you describe home?

These are places I’ve called home:

Singletrack through the woods
In your arms
Portland, Oregon

Camping in the desert, a million stars telling stories
In your heart
Tempe, Arizona

Marveling at fireflies, lighting up the night
A quick, reassuring look to let me know I was okay
Harrisonburg, Virginia

Barefoot in the grass
In your eyes, like oceans crashing
San Diego, California

Mom’s hugs
Your hand in mine
San Francisco, Bend, Encinitas


Each night, Buddy would hop on the bed, climb up on my chest, and lay down, purring.

His body perfectly molded to mine, breath on breath, heart beats echoing between us, as we fell asleep.

This = home.

As I was walking yesterday, I listened to another episode of The Way Out Is In podcast on the Plum Village App.

The hosts were discussing what “home” meant.

They used a lot of words.

And I kept waiting for the one that instantly popped to my mind.

It didn’t come.

What’s one word that describes home to you?

For me, it’s safety. In all the ways. At all times.

Safety to be me.

To rest.
To soar.
To sit with the broken pieces.
To rebuild.
To dream.
To be fully embodied.
To do.
To love.
To hope.
To try.
And try again.

Again, what’s one word that describes home to you?


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