Red, Blue, and Finding Hope
Extra-Large Hanging Art Mobile by Mark Leary
on hope
“It feels weird,” said bird. “But I think I like it.”
“Enough to fight for it?” asked bear.
Mobile: Redpopblue [Approx. 64” tall x 40” wide]
Also available now at Plethora Studio in downtown Portland
Just when we thought it might be extinct, it was spotted in the wild.
Initial signs seem to suggest it’s spreading quickly.
Although early reports haven’t been confirmed, many indicate it’s soft and colorful, makes you smile, feels good when you think about it.
Others who saw it told me they were overcome with tears.
“I feel surprisingly light,” said another. “Who knew it would make us feel this way?”
- Hope that we can celebrate the best in one another, in what it takes for *all* to be free, for democracy.
- Hope that we can shine bright lights on pockets of hate and bigotry, and do the work to outgrow limiting beliefs and systems.
- Hope that we can – we must – work together to codify equality, to lift each other up, without the need to debase, degrade, lie, or shame.
- Hope in the belief that our future can be beautiful, can be focused on doing the good, the right, the just, and has no place for those who stir up the worst in us.
There is real work – unimaginable volumes of it – to be done to transform hope into reality; and yet, what is our option?
That work begins with you, with me, assessing our own values, making a stand for what we know is – and is not – the right way to treat one another.
When it comes to politics, while no political party or politician is perfect, I’m supporting @KamalaHarris and @TimWalz; as much for their message of inclusivity, equality, the protection of fundamental rights, as a statement against hate, discrimination, and those who would seek to sow division for their own gains.
What can you do today to begin transforming hope into reality?