Kimchi, Jujyfruits, and Being Perishable
Stabile: Tick Tock
On expiration
“But how can it mean to breathe *and* to die,” asked bird. “Aren’t those opposites?”
“Are they?” Fox replied softly, knowing bird was about to land upon an important truth.
Thoughts while making
Tortillas – expired. Tofu – expired. Kimchi – expired. Vegan ranch dressing – expired.
Apparently, my frig should have yellow caution tape slapped all over it.
If you’re like me, you don’t pay too much attention to those little stamped-on messages:
Best if used by. Best before. Use by. Expires on.
If it’s fresh – like fruits or vegetables – I assume I’ll eat it them in time. I don’t.
If it’s canned or bagged or boxed, I assume I have all the time in the world. Again, I don’t.
Yet, with magnifying glass in hand this morning, the truth is revealed: Perishable. Refrigerate. Use within seven (7) days after opening.
The clock is always ticking, whether you open that bag of chips or not. For soup. For Jujyfruits. And, yes, even for kimchi.
The moment you adopt those pickles or birth that guacamole, the countdown is on; the race to beat that expiration date begins, consciously or not.
So too in life – sort of.
Because there’s no beating expiration. We’re all perishable.
Yet nobody stamps a “use by” date on you.
Nobody can tell you when you’re “best by.”
That’s entirely up to you.
So, do you push your needs, desires, hopes to the back of your proverbial frig, allowing them to spoil out of sight, out of mind?
Or, do you put them front and center, allowing the spotlight to shine on them every time you open your doors, realizing now is always your best by date?
What can you move to the front of your frig today?