Following, Flying, and Leaning into Your Fears


Follow Me, spinning in Los Angeles

On soaring

“But don’t you want to fly?” asked bear.

“Sometimes just knowing I have wings,” said sparrow, “is good enough.”

Thoughts while making

Come with me for a moment…

Picture, if you will, a tiny but brave yellow bird.

She’s perched at the very edge of the highest high cliff.

And she’s standing in the black dark of winter’s long night.

Eyes closed, she listens, she waits.

As wind wraps her in a cold embrace, doubt and fear icing her wings, she listens, she waits.

Heart racing rapid, breath coming short, thoughts akimbo, she listens, she waits.

Then, there it is. Do you hear it? Can you hear it?

Somewhere between dim and dawn, a hint of sunlight whispers:

"Your name is Brilliance, dear child, and of stardust are you made."

"You have been chosen, my love, and today is the day."

“Lean in, my heart, lean in and let go.”

If you were standing there, you would have seen something few others ever have…

Because that little yellow bird, tiny as tiny can be, scared like you and me, took one, then two, then three deep, deep breaths before…

She closed her eyes and inched her way forward, trusting a Feeling that nothing would ever be the same.

Leaning across the space between known and not, she leapt; the universe applauding in the fluttering of wings spread wide as the sun kissed a new day.

What doubt or fear can you lean into today?


Forcing, Feeling, and Twin-sized Sheets


Normalcy, Bob Ross, and Color Unblindness