On self-perception

“It sure looks like one to me,” mused sparrow. 
“It’s definitely not,” countered red fox. 
“If it’s not a crown, then what is it?” 
Adjusting it upon her head, red fox said, “It’s a golden circle of self-esteem, studded with sparkling self-belief, and ringed by creativity and passion.” 
“Um, okay,” replied mouse. “But it still looks like a crown to me.”

Stabile: The Crowner 

Size: 18” wide x 18” tall 

Colors: Belton Molotow Premium paints in Petrol Blue, Linda’s Sunset, and Tar Black 

The Crowner, inspired by the genius of Sarah Crowner’s gorgeous Stretched Stems 1 and 2 from her Beetle in the Leaves exhibition at MASSMoCA has finally found its base. 

Off and on over the past few weeks, I’ve been playing with different wire bases to turn this mobile into a stabile. 

Unlike many stabile’s that use a heavier and solid metal bases, I like using wire to match the feel of the mobile itself. This can lead to some interesting, um, challenges in balance and counterbalance. 

With The Crowner, I wanted to create an ultra-simple minimalist and fluid base that kept with the beautiful organic motifs Sarah Crowner celebrates in her phenomenal work. 

I was aiming for a visual representation of a breath of wind. I hope I’ve done her justice here. 

For fun, I added a slight curve on the bottom of the base, so it rocks as well as spins

On remembering who you are


On ataraxy