Now Spinning @ The Original - Permanently!

I'm pleased to announce that The Original Dinerant in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon is now the permanent home to eight of my larger mobiles.
Designed and created for the lollipop circus art exhibition in June, the swirling whirlers were just too perfect of a fit to go anywhere else, so The Original snatched 'em all up! Many of these spinners are one-of-a-kind and were custom made just for this show, so you'll only see them blowing here.
So, next time you're passing through the PDX and have a hankering for ridiculously scrumptious food and art that moves, do your tummy and art-heart a favor and head over 300 SW 6th Avenue.
In addition to its permanent collection, The Original always has fabulous traveling shows with some of the best local and national artists anywhere ... and they serve up a mean martini, too.